Our observatories are managed by Reprex, a Dutch open data and AI startup. Our observatories are developed in an open collaboration with developers and curators, and a team of devoted service developers who hope that our observatories will remain both technically and financially feasible. If you would like to involved in the business feasibility, we are open to increasing the range of capabilities that our team encompasses, from communications and marketing to human resources, data analysis, and research & development. Feel free to drop us a line and propose your own way of collaborating.
You want to learn to write scientifically valid, open source code in R or Python, but you are a beginner. We help you anywhere - you can even start copyediting or technical documentation (it is a must in open source development) and create tutorials for you to interact with our data and products (if if helps you, it will help others.)
As a business economist or legal professional, you are interested how open data, open source software, research automation and ethical, trustworthy AI products can find their market.
As a blogger, data journalist or marketeer you would like to help to make open data, and transparent, ethical, open AI more widely known and used.
Make sure that you read the Contributors Covenant. You must make this pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. Participating in our data observatories requires everybody to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community. It’s better this way for you and for us!
Send us this text file with your biography elements.
Please, follow us on social media, it really helps us finding new users and showing that we are able to grow our ecosystem.
Send us this text file with your biography elements. Best if you fill it out with Notepad, TextEdit, Vim or other clean text editor, but you can also send it back as an rtf file.
If you feel you need chatting on onboarding, contact us on Keybase - it’s lightweight, discrete, encrypted, your mother, partner and friends are not there, it is free, open source, and can share/exchange files, too. Otherwise in email.
More about contributing: Automated Observatory Contributorsโ Handbook.
MSc in Public Administration, 2015
Sample University University
BSc in International Relations, 2010
Other University